Hydromassage is a massage of the human body performed with a jet of water under high pressure. The air flow and the numerous bubbles that accompany it also have a beneficial effect on the human body.
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, wrote about the beneficial effects of hydromassage in ancient times, and its healing properties were known in ancient Rome and Egypt. A modern hydromassage bath with nozzles for supplying an air-water mixture was created in 1968 by Candido Jacuzzi, and it is named after him.
Today, there are several types of hydromassage:
- jacuzzi - a person lies in a bath with jets of a water-air mixture;
- pearl baths - with streams of air bubbles;
- underwater shower-massage - performed with a jet of high-pressure water;
- combined hydromassage - underwater shower-massage and jacuzzi at the same time;
- contrast hydromassage - alternating use of cold and hot water;
- aromatic hydromassages - with the addition of aromatic essential oils;
- phytohydromassage - with infusions of medicinal herbs;
- hydromassage with sea salt solution - sea breeze.
With the help of strong streams of water, skin receptors are irritated, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels and increased blood flow, activation of lymph flow and expansion of skin pores. Hydromassage relieves pain in muscles and joints, has a calming and relaxing effect, helps with insomnia, asthenic state and depression, reduced immunity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins, cellulite, obesity, disorders of the peripheral nervous system and sexual disorders.
Not recommended hydromassage procedures for people with cancer, hypertension, heart attack or stroke, as well as tuberculosis and skin diseases.